Monday, 4 November 2019

We are living in the fast-growing world of internet, where several businesses have increased their customer base by creating their online platform. But many local or small business owners don’t know about whom to approach for entering the online world. No doubt they might get successful in designing the website either from the web developers and designers or using WordPress.

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What next? Is it over here? No, that’s not the end. The next step is to host the website on internet and for this, one has to find a web hosting service as well as the provider for it.

It might have struck your mind many times, “isn’t it possible to start a web hosting business?” Then you might have even given a thought upon the requirements such as space to keep your servers, technical staff to handle queries, the server maintenance, hardware, etc. This means you need to invest high. But what if you get all of this without investing much?

Reseller hosting allows you to start your own hosting business at a budget-friendly price. There are several businesses that have setup their reseller hosting business and are earning good returns. Though this is a fact, still many of them are either confused or have some fears and myths that may affect their business, if they decide to become a reseller.

Below are some common misconceptions/myths about reseller hosting that need to be debunked:

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Myth #1: Having a reseller web hosting account is not easy

You may find reseller web hosting quite daunting at first, yet it’s the best way to start your own web hosting business. It can be costly to start your own web hosting company from scratch but with reseller hosting you don’t have to worry about the risks.

In reseller hosting, the responsibility of buying equipment, building an infrastructure, hiring staff, etc. is completely taken by the hosting provider. You simply rent a server or a portion of it and decide on the packages, prices and sell the resources to your clients. You can calculate your profit from the difference of charges at which you sell hosting plans and the price you pay for the reseller hosting package.

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Myth # 2: You can’t sell the services as your own brand

The next myth is that your audience will easily recognize that you are a hosting reseller. Since people opt for direct business-to-business relations, you have very less chances of gaining customers. But fortunately, this is just a myth.

The reality is that the web hosting companies allow you to use your own name for your hosting business with the ‘White Label’ feature. Your clients won’t even know that you are reselling the hosting services to them.

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Myth # 3: Hardware knowledge isn’t required

Many have the misconception that when you are planning for a web hosting business, you just need to have a basic knowledge about web hosting. But along with this you need to know the server type, basic server configuration, RAM, etc. that you get from the hosting provider.  Of course, you don’t need to have the in depth technicalities for example, how does your drive spin?

Just having the knowledge about the types of drives, storage space required by a basic website, the types of web hosting, etc. is enough.

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Myth # 4: Providing support is a massive obstacle

As a reseller, it is compulsory to offer technical support and assistance to your clients. Yes, technical support is important but you don’t have to worry about it, as it is completely taken care of by your hosting provider.

Your hosting provider needs to employ the support staff to handle server setup issues, service upgradation, reboot issues and more, so that you can contact them for any of your client’s technical issues. Therefore, check if your hosting provider is offering the technical support for reseller hosting. Don’t trust the provider blindly.

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Myth # 5: It’s a competitive business vertical

Web hosting industry is highly competitive as compared to other business verticals. Due to this, many hesitate to invest in reseller hosting and start their own business.

On the other hand, since several businesses are entering the online world, the requirement of web hosting is also increasing. Have you ever seen a web project been live and running on internet without being hosted somewhere? No, this isn’t at all possible.

You can start a reseller hosting business either for part-time or full-time, depending on your situation. Additionally, if you are a web designer or a web developer, with reseller hosting you can get significant additional advantage by gaining the attraction of new clients.

So, starting a web hosting business is very easy with reseller hosting in comparison to other businesses as this might lead to a road for earning great profit.

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Myth # 6: Reseller gets customers only for the first few months

A reseller gets customers only for a few months. This isn’t true because every business is trying to enter the online world today and it is possible only with a website. For a website to be available to all, it needs to be hosted on the server. Therefore, web hosting is always in demand.

Since businesses are now learning about the importance of online platform, it is easily possible to win new clients. You simply need to gain their trust. Reseller hosting is a profitable business and you can earn good income from it.

Final Verdict

So, if you are planning to become a reseller then you need to clear all the above misconceptions first. Anyone having the knowledge about basic server hardware can start a reseller hosting business. Your hosting provider manages all the technical issues and queries of your clients. You don’t need to get your head stuck in them and think on the solutions. Also, you can increase the number of customers easily as web hosting is essential for any website to be live.

With any other business, it isn’t guaranteed that you will gain profit; you might also get into loss and debt. While in reseller hosting, it is guaranteed that you will earn profit only.

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