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$4.41 0.7 CPU Core
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$3.99 Unlimited SSD Storage
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Best European Hosting

In recent years, plenty of people have trumpeted the notion that Europe’s internet infrastructure, as well as broadband prices, are superior to that of North America. Well, they’re not wrong. Central and Eastern European nations, more specifically, are the countries who take the cake. This is especially true when it comes to web hosting.

Keep in mind, when we talk about internet infrastructure, we’re looking at variables such as:

–  Availability of fibre-optic internet.
–  Broadband download and upload speeds in Mbps.
–  Mobile internet speed.
–  Cost of internet subscriptions.

Many of these countries impressive internet capabilities can be attributed to the vast amount of fibre-optic internet readily available. Fibre-based internet is just much faster than standard copper cables, which are widely used throughout much of North America, Western Europe, and China.

So how did small countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary, and others become fibre-optic giants? Much of it can be traced back to the fall of the Soviet Union, who left their telecommunications infrastructure to those former Soviet bloc nations. And since their infrastructure was by no means “state-of-the-art” at the time, it forced these countries to build their own digital infrastructure from scratch.

This enabled internet service providers to leap past older technologies commonly used in the West, such as dreaded copper wire, and install a fibre-based infrastructure before everyone else. To this day, it is still more convenient and cost-effective for most ISP’s to re-route and reinstall standard copper wire, rather than dig everything up and start over again.

Apart from the physical infrastructure, corporate investment, market competition, and local law all play a part in making (or breaking) a country’s internet infrastructure.

So how does this all impact web hosting? Simple, a better infrastructure allows European web hosts to access faster, more reliable internet providers, which translates to faster hosting speeds. Also, because of currency fluctuations, European hosting providers are able to effectively reduce operating costs, which allows them to sell quality hosting plans at budget-friendly prices. European web host’s are also have more respect for customer privacy, thanks to their tight-knit data laws.

So what are you waiting for? Stop using that slow, unreliable, costly hosting provider from the US – make the European switch now, and reap the benefits immediately.

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