Installing WordPress

To install WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Use SSH to log in to your system as the root user.

To use the A2 QuickInstaller, you must log in as the root user using SSH. You cannot use the serial console in the VPS Control Panel to run the A2 QuickInstaller.

2. To start the A2 QuickInstaller, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

sh /usr/sbin/

3. Under Application Installers, type the option number for CMS/CRM, and then press ENTER.

4. On the CMS/CRM Menu, type the option number for Wordpress, and then press ENTER. The A2 QuickInstaller updates your system, and then begins the installation process.

The installation process takes some time to complete. Do not interrupt the installation process.

5. At the Please enter Wordpress Database Name prompt, type a name for the WordPress MySQL database, and then press ENTER.

6. At the Please enter Wordpress Database User prompt, type a username for the WordPress MySQL database, and then press ENTER.

7. At the Please enter Wordpress Database Password prompt, type a password for the WordPress MySQL database user, and then press ENTER.

8. When installation is complete, the A2 QuickInstaller provides configuration information about the WordPress installation.

Testing and configuring the WordPress installation

To test and configure the WordPress installation, follow these steps:

1. Use your web browser to go to the following URL, where represents your server's IP address:
The WordPress Welcome page appears.

2. In the Site Title text box, type the name of the site that you want.

3. In the Username text box, type the username that you want.

4. In the Password, twice text boxes, type and re-type the password.

5. In the Your E-mail text box, type your e-mail address.

6. To allow search engines to index your site, select the check box. To prevent search engines from indexing your site, clear the check box.

7. Click Install WordPress. The Success page appears.

8. To log in to your site, click Log In and use the username and password that you created in steps 3 and 4.


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